ECED 100Early Childhood Development
ECED 100An introduction to the developmental stages of children from prenatal to middle childhood with emphasis on the physical, cognitive, language and social/emotional milestones. Application of developmental and learning theories addressed. This course is part of a program approved by the California Department of Social Services for employment in private facilities.

ECED 105Family and Community Relationships
ECED 105Examination of the sociological relationships between family and society; institutional, racial, social, and economical factors affecting the family and the child. Textbook required. This course is part of a program approved by the California Department of Social Services for employment in private facilities.

ECED 110Early Childhood Education:
Principles and Practice
ECED 110Course examines the history, basic principles, and philosophies of various types of early childhood programs, emphasizing the role of the adult and characteristics of quality programs. This course is part of a program approved by the California Department of Social Services, Community Care Licensing, for employment in private facilities only. Textbook required. This course is part of a program approved by the California Department of Social Services for employment in private facilities.